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WP-Terra is a new direction for Solostream – using WordPress as a content management system (CMS) for a corporate Web site. We partnered with the great design team at Hudson Union, who created a theme that incorporates stylish corporate design elements used on some of the most high-traffic sites on the Internet. WP-Terra takes advantage of the latest functionality that is offered by WordPress 2.7+. Some of the features include:
- Static 3-column home page layout with:
- Featured product glider option for home page
- Middle column display for lead articles in one category
- Blog/News display - Three subpage layouts to choose from:
- Full page
- Page with left sidebar
- Page with right sidebar - Custom header integration for home and each subpage
- Built-in drop-down navigation for sub-categories and sub-pages
- Advanced SEO techniques integrated in design
- Original Photoshop files (PSDs) available for download to change header files
- Built-in site map
- Author page
- Gravatar integration
- Threaded and styled comments
Important Note: This theme is a traditional theme and requires knowledge of how to set up and manage PHP files for customization. There is no control panel incorporated into this theme. If you wish to set it up like the demo site, please follow these step-by-step directions.
Purchase Options
All templates are distributed via download. You will receive download instructions when your payment clears PayPal.
This option is for you if you want to use WP-Terra on your own WordPress site. Purchase of this option entitles you to use WP-Terra on NO MORE THAN 1 site. You MAY NOT resell, transfer or otherwise redistribute WP-Clear in any form, including derivative works. You MAY NOT modify or remove the credits in the site footer.
This option is for you if you want to use WP-Terra on multiple WordPress sites owned by you. Purchase of this option entitles you to use WP-Terra on any number of sites that you own. You MAY NOT resell, transfer or otherwise redistribute WP-Terra in any form, including derivative works. You MAY modify or remove the credits in the site footer.
This option is for you if you want to use WP-Terra on your own sites, as well sites that you sell to the general public. Purchase of this option entitles you to use WP-Terra on any number of sites that you own. It also entitles you to resell sites built using WP-Terra as a starting template. You MAY NOT resell, transfer or otherwise redistribute WP-Terra in its original form. You MAY resell, transfer or otherwise redistribute derivative works based upon WP-Terra. You MAY modify or remove the credits in the site footer.